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Stockholm, Sweden’s own Friska Viljor’s latest album is a new direction for the indie rock duo, and is one of the most fun albums you’ll hear this year.
The band was formed, oddly enough, on heartache and loss. According to member Daniel Johansson, “Heartache has always been one of the prime catalysts for artistic work, and every artist sees their own suffering as something unique, and their thoughts and work about it as something the whole world should share.”
Had anyone not known their backstory, one would assume that they could be the happiest band in the world when listening to their new release, The Beginning of the Beginning of the End. Any song from this album could be the catchiest song of the year with their clever riffs, unique lyrics and Swedish charm.
Using music as a form of therapy, this album is full of positive lyrics and sounds lighting the way to a cheerful and hopeful future, rarely delving back into their heartache.
Without question, Friska Viljor’s newest release, The Beginning of the Beginning of the End, is a testament to how far they’ve come since the early days of sorrow, and will be one of the most fun albums you’ll hear all year.
Written by: Paige DeLozier