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On April 26th at 7:00 PM Alpha Sigma Tau hosts the annual Womanless Beauty Pageant.
That’s right, a womanless beauty pageant. Only male RSU students are allowed to participate, provided they dress like women. All make-up and various other supplies are provided for the men who participate.
Admission is $3 and the event is open to the public. Proceeds from the event go towards funding AST’s trip to the National Alpha Sigma Tau Convention and to help fund various events they host throughout the year.
Four prize packages will be awarded, all of which include gift cards and gift certificates to local businesses. For any RSU male students interested in participating, contact Brandi Moore at 775-343-2777.
For more information on other events at RSU, check out WWW.RSU.EDU
By:Olivia Jorgensen
Courtesy of The Hillpost
Written by: Radio Steve