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The “World’s Richest Noodling Tournament” will be in Claremore, June 15th at the Expo Center. For those beginners, a two-day noodling course is also being offered and focusing on safety and techniques.
The 48 hour tournament begins on Thursday, June 13th at 6pm with the weigh-in on Saturday, June 15th from 4 to 6pm. Noodlers will want to check in only their largest fish and they can only be caught using the noodling techniques.With over $10,000 in cash and prizes, the grand prize will be “$5,000 for the Biggest Fish”. Awards will be given out to the three top fish. Entry forms can be picked up at the Expo Center office.
Music during the “The Battle of the Big Cats” will be provided by James Muns & the Sierra band. For more information and entry fees, contact Kaleb Summers at
Written by: Cathy Coomer - General Manager