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The holidays are always a busy time. There’s shopping to do, parties to attend, and lots of family and friends to visit. With all the hustle and bustle it’s easy to forget that there are still thousands of people in need of transfusions. The Red Cross would like to encourage all who are eligible to get out and donate.
Terry Killman from Independence, Kansas was diagnosed with leukemia on his 25th wedding anniversary back in 2010 and was told he might not make it to their 26th, but thanks to those donating to the Red Cross he is still alive and healthy today.
For those of you who are absolutely terrified of needles, don’t worry; there’s lots of way to volunteer that are just as important. Noel Macek has been volunteering for six years taking blood to people in need.
“(Red Cross) Hospital Services knows that anytime that they have an emergency run, they can catch me answering the phone at home. My favorite part is to deliver blood products to a hospital or location and be able to bring a smile to people’s faces.”
It’s very easy to get involved. You can start by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor App to your phone, visiting, or calling the Tulsa Red Cross Office at 918-831-1100.
Written by: Kessiah Neff - Traffic Manager