Spoon may seem like just a utensil you eat with, or depending on how you like to spend your time, a cuddling activity. But, honestly, it’s neither. Well, at least not in this context. The band Spoon was formed in Austin, Texas in 1993. The band consist of four members, including two of it’s original members Britt Daniel and Jim Eno. Robe Pope joined the band in 2006, and Alex Fischel joined later in 2013. Since their incarnation Spoon has been a indie and experimental rock band. Listeners who are tired of the status quo could find solace in the sounds of Spoon. Here are 5 reasons to press play on Spoon.
- One unique element of the band is that consists of multi-instumentalist. Each of the band’s members play more than one instrument, with the exception Jim Eno. Eno sticks to percussion, however his extra shines through in programming for the band.

- The newest album is guitar light and synth heavy. The album will be ambiguous for avid Spoon listeners. It will feel familiar, but there will be an obvious daring edge as Spoon is always evolving. One example, is the sexiness of the album. Sex is a theme explored in this album more than ever before.

- The album was recorded in two places. The band recorded part of Hot Thoughts in their hometown Austin. The other half was recorded in a cabin in the woods( no seriously). Hot Thoughts was produced by Dave Friedmann in his remote studio in New York.

- Spoon claims to take everything into consideration for their listeners. What does this mean? Frontman Britt Daniel says he wants listeners to go on a journey. He says the band puts a lot of effort into the songs, recording and live shows for listeners.
- The band is unapologetic about their politics. The band been very vocal on their social media accounts and interviews about their sentiments towards the current political climate. For the critics who claim that artists and entertainers need to stick to their art, Daniel responds in an interview with NME by stating, “ I can see why they feel that way. The artist has the responsibility to home themselves, to do what feels right, to make the right art, to speak when it feels like it should be speaking and to absolutely not speak when he doesn’t feel it. I’ve always admired the people that were assured and artists who weren’t afraid of showing some people the way.”
Be sure to Press Play on Spoon so they can rock your world.