Since 2014, White Reaper has been dominating the garage scene. The quartet has engaged listeners with garage tunes infused with punk and power. They are hardworking band with some big influences, and thus big shoes to fill. Already the heavy weight champion title holders of “The World’s Best American Band”, here are 5 reasons to press play on White Reaper.
- White Reaper has an incredible work ethic. The band’s last album, White Reaper Does It Again, released in 2015. Then the band went long extended tour and now they have released their newest album The World’s Best American Band. The group says they works so hard to ensure success. The band says they don’t want to end up washing dishes somewhere.

- They have great musical influences. The band has said they really look up to bands like Black Sabbath and Nirvana. In fact, they say Nirvana was the last great American band, so they are trying to fill that position in listener’s minds for now and in the future.

- The guitarist ends live shows with a bang. At the end of each set while touring he will throw his guitar into the crowd. He says under normal circumstances audience members will return his guitar, but one show in Santa Cruz went completely different. He says, a guy smashed his guitar. An unfortunate event for him, but man can these guys put on a show!

- They like to keep music in the family, well sort of. The band contains twin brothers, Sam and Nick Wilkerson.

- The band has utilized the ideologies of the greats of Louisville that have come before them, specifically, Muhammed Ali. The reason for the proclamation of being the greatest is because they are modeling the behavior of Ali who has been quoted for the same proclamation.

Be sure to Press Play on White Reaper, they are great!