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Music News

Local Music Roundup 2023

todayDecember 21, 2023


This year brought an abundance of albums from Oklahoma artists, a bunch of bands making waves nationally, and the emergence of a few promising newcomers. Here is an extensive, but not absolute recap of releases from the year.


Blind Oath – Blind Oath
Epic metal from Tulsa, showing off traditional heavy metal riffs and ripping twin leads.

BrotherboyAll My Friends Are Breaking Up

Carter Sampson – Gold
The longtime Americana singer/songwriter’s 5th studio album which shows off her years of experience in creating amazing music.

Chris Combs – Run Down The Ghost

coldbrewonce upon a time

CombsyNeon Eyes
The debut full-length from a long-running project. Combsy is led by Chris Combs who draws influences from jazz to pop to electronica

cursetheknife – There’s a Place I Can Rest
A shoegaze/slowcore album that puts Oklahoma on the map. This is a top-tier album in a genre that made a huge resurgence in 2023.

Flash Point – Destroyed

Greenhorn Saints – Crooked Halos

Husbands – CUATRO
One of the catchiest releases of the year from the OKC indie rock and rollers. This release made a good amount of noise nationally, and you shouldn’t be surprised if they make big steps forward in 2024.

Joey Friendo – Bound for Heartache

John MorelandLive at Third Man Records

KeylandGrowing Pains
Mixing a wide variety of sounds, from country to catchy alternative, Keyland leans heavily on solid songwriting and strong hooks.

King Cabbage Brass BandKing Cabbage Brass Band
Tulsa’s New Orleans connection, King Cabbage has made a name for themselves around town for their high-energy performances. The new album tries to bottle some of that energy to your home hifi.

Kyle Nix & the 38’sAfter the Flood

Kyle Reid – Tin Can Gramophone

Limp Wizurdz – Vile

Mad Honey – Satellite Aphrodite

Matt Martin – Matt Martin’s MonkeyMind

Medicine Horse – Medicine Horse
Sludgy Southern metal with strong Indigenous ties in both the content and imagery surrounding the band

Parker Millsap – Wilderness Within You

photocopy – Shells (You Can)

Plain Speak – Calamity

Rattlesnake Diner – Rattlesnake Diner

Skating PollyChaos County Line
While they aren’t living locally anymore, Skating Polly always has Oklahoma in their sound. Chaos County Line sees even more progression in the development of their signature self-described ugly-pop, as well as steps forward with their lyrics and catchiness.

Sledge – Hellwalk
Metallic hardcore from OKC that is growing a serious local and national following

Sun Vowyou have your whole life behind you now

Swim Fan – Do U Mind

The Big News – PHOEBE
Oklahoma’s last surviving ska-punk band put out an album that flew way under the radar. Known for their live shows, the studio tracks capture plenty of the band’s energy.

TOOMBZThis Is Not A Dream
Spooky spectral rock that sounds good year-round. This 10-track release is one Okie album not to be missed.

Wet Muscles – Patching Up

Zach BryanZach Bryan


Acid Queen – Don’t Mind If I Don’t

Bee & The Hive – Flamingo Dancing

Bugnog – Lummox
Occasionally thrashy, occasionally doomy, sometimes mathy, always heavy.

Grandpa VernThe Worst of You

Helen Kelter Skelter – Chroma Crawl

Kat Lock – The Retrograde

Kodos – Changes

Labadie HouseWrestleVania

Most KudosMost Kudos
A catchy debut from a band made of members who have been around the block in local music.

PawPaw Rod – This Must Be A PawPaw Rod EP
A blend of pop, rap, R&B, and indie sounds with some of the catchiest hooks you’ll hear. Rod has the national stage on his mind, and is earning his listens with quality singles.

Professional Golfer – Members Only
A diamond in the rough, with six solid debut tracks. This band is primed to step forward in the Tulsa music scene in 2024.

The Others Like Us – It Takes Time

Turbo Wizard – Barbarian Love Songs



Cody Clinton and The April Fools – “John The Barber”
A pandemic-born project from Tulsa Sound regular Cody Clinton and friends. Focusing on releasing one quality song after another, this project feels like songwriting is the centerpiece.

Empriss – “Cherry Milk
This debut single shows the promise of this Tulsa two-piece with fun chunky guitar rhythms and a big hook. I’m calling it, in on the ground floor before they pick up.

Labrys – “In Motion”
Penny Pitchlynn, known for her playing in Broncho, is building up to the release of her new album 10:10 this February with several top quality singles in 2023. It is an early contender for one of the best local releases of the upcoming year.

Loveyoutoo – “Heat”

Samantha Crain – “Time After Time

Stepmom – “Chaos Candy
Stepmom has been on the verge of taking a big step forward, and with some business moves and a national tour this year, I think 2024 is finally their time to shine.

World Peace Death Ray – “Palm Tree Debris

Written by: Tip Crowley
