Riot Radio
Join Tip Toasty for two hours of punk rock and ska, including local bands, news, and interviews
Top listeners:
RSU Radio Real College Radio
Fishing for Success
Tip’s introduction to radio was at 17, when he first cracked the mic at RSU Radio. He has spent the ten subsequent years hosting numerous radio shows, producing a podcast, writing on the local punk scene, and playing in several bands. Tip spent two years as Assistant Music Director before taking over as RSU Radio’s Music Director from 2007 through 2010. During this time, he hosted and programmed Riot Radio, Rude Boy Radio, The Friday Rap Up, The Underground Mixtape, The Tip N Turbo Show (also known as the TNT Show), The New Show, The Top 20 Countdown (now the Top 10 Countdown), and various other programs.
Of these shows, Riot Radio is Tip’s flagship program. He has been listening to punk rock since he was 14, and the aim of his show is to serve and build the Oklahoma punk scene. After taking a two-year hiatus, Riot Radio returned to the airwaves in 2014 with a fresh focus on current punk rock music and local bands.
Join Tip Toasty for two hours of punk rock and ska, including local bands, news, and interviews