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It’s the holiday season and RSU Radio is in a giving mood.
Last year we did “9 Days of Giveaway.” This year, hold on to your hat Santa…We’re doing TWELVE DAYS OF GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!
From December 6th to December 21st listen in and check our Facebook page every week day so you don’t miss your chance to get up to 12 CDs!!!!!!!
That’s right each day the number of CDs we’re giving away increase along with the day of giveaway. Winner on day 1 gets 1 CD, winner on day 5 gets 5 CDs, even winner on day 12 gets 12 CDs!!!!!!!
It’s our way of saying thanks to all our loyal listeners this holiday season.
So remember to tune in and check the Facebook page, for RSU Radio’s 12 Days of Giveaway.
Written by: Garrett Powders