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Maddy Kirgo on Her Voice, 01 - 31 -25
RSU’s Fine Arts Film Series will present Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom on April 3 at 7 in the Will Rogers Auditorium. This critically acclaimed film will be shown free and open to the public. Here is what some critics have to say:
Though undeniably smart and charming, “Moonrise Kingdom” loves itself the way the callow Holden Caulfield loves himself: unconditionally. Salinger understood the problem with that. Anderson may not.
Rafer Guzman,Newsday
“Moonrise Kingdom” takes place in a world where everything seems pleasantly faded, where people read crackly-covered library books rather than e-books, and where young people are allowed to be genuinely innocent.
Moira MacDonald,Seattle Times
Written by: Garrett Powders